Educates is a system for hosting interactive workshop environments in Kubernetes (including OpenShift), or a local docker environment. It can be used for self paced or supervised workshops. It can also be useful where you need to package up demos of applications hosted in Kubernetes.
- Cluster Requirements
- Installation Instructions
- CLI Based Installation
- Carvel Based Installation
- Infrastructure Providers
- Configuration Settings
- Defining configuration for ingress
- Defining cluster policy engine
- Defining workshop policy engine
- Overriding container runtime class
- Defining image registry pull secrets
- Defining storage class for volumes
- Defining storage group for volumes
- Restricting network access
- Overriding network packet size
- Image registry pull through cache
- Setting default access credentials
- Tracking using workshop events
- Tracking using Google Analytics
- Tracking using Microsoft Clarity
- Tracking using Amplitude
- Overriding styling of the workshop
- Allowing sites to embed workshops
- Overriding session cookie domain
- Workshop Configuration
- Workshop Instructions
- Annotation of executable commands
- Annotation of text to be copied
- Extensible clickable actions
- Clickable actions for the dashboard
- Clickable actions for the editor
- Clickable actions for file download
- Clickable actions for file upload
- Clickable actions for the examiner
- Clickable actions for sections
- Automatically triggering actions
- Overriding action cooldown period
- Hiding clickable actions from view
- Generating events for actions
- Overriding title and description
- Escaping of code block content
- Interpolation of data variables
- Adding custom data variables
- Passing of environment variables
- Handling of embedded URL links
- Conditional rendering of content
- Adding admonitions with shortcodes
- Embedding custom HTML content
- Triggering actions from Javascript
- Workshop Runtime
- Building an Image
- Working on Content
- Review Guidelines
- Changes to the security policy
- Disabling Kubernetes access
- Workshop user admin access
- Workshop container memory
- Workshop container CPU
- Workshop container storage
- Namespace resource budget
- Kubernetes resource objects
- Workshop container startup
- Docker resource requirements
- Docker container image registry
- Hosting images on Docker Hub
- Workshop Definition
- Workshop title and description
- A note about use of data variables
- Downloading workshop content
- Hosting on an image repository
- Publishing of workshop content
- Hosting using a Git repository
- Hosting using a HTTP server
- Content download (deprecated)
- Container image for the workshop
- Adding extension packages
- Setting environment variables
- Overriding the memory available
- Mounting a persistent volume
- Mounting arbitrary volume types
- Resource budget for namespaces
- Creation of session resources
- Overriding default RBAC rules
- Blocking access to Kubernetes
- Running user containers as root
- Creating additional namespaces
- Shared workshop resources
- Shared assets repository
- Shared OCI image cache
- Injecting workshop secrets
- Passing parameters to a session
- Resource creation on allocation
- Defining additional ingress points
- Adding extra init containers
- Patching workshop deployment
- Workshop instructions layout
- External workshop instructions
- Static workshop instructions
- Disabling workshop instructions
- Enabling presentation slides
- Enabling the Kubernetes console
- Enabling the integrated editor
- Provisioning a virtual cluster
- Enabling the local Git server
- Enabling workshop downloads
- Enabling workshop uploads
- Enabling the test examiner
- Enabling session image registry
- Enabling ability to use docker
- Enabling remote SSH access
- Enabling WebDAV access to files
- Customizing the terminal layout
- Adding custom dashboard tabs
- Workshop Environment
- Workshop Request
- Workshop Session
- Training Portal
- Specifying the workshop definitions
- Limiting the number of sessions
- Capacity of individual workshops
- Set reserved workshop instances
- Override initial number of sessions
- Setting defaults for all workshops
- Additional labels for workshops
- Labels for the training portal
- Setting caps on individual users
- Expiring of workshop sessions
- Timeout for accessing workshops
- Updates to workshop environments
- Refreshing workshop environments
- Overriding the portal hostname
- Setting extra environment variables
- Overriding portal credentials
- Controlling registration type
- Specifying an event access code
- Making list of workshops public
- Using an external list of workshops
- Overriding portal title and logo
- Selecting the user interface theme
- Allowing the portal in an iframe
- Collecting analytics on workshops
- Tracking using Google Analytics
- Tracking using Microsoft Clarity
- Tracking using Amplitude
- Secret Copier
- Specifying the source secret
- Changing the target secret name
- Adding labels to the target secret
- Limiting set of target namespaces
- Kubernetes reserved namespaces
- Authorizing copying of a secret
- Multiple target namespace selectors
- Multiple rules for copying secrets
- Overlapping rules for target secret
- Deletion of the secret copier
- Tracking the source of a secret
- Secret Exporter
- Secret Importer
- Secret Injector
- Learning Center
- Training platform deployment
- Kubernetes resource versions
- Workshop base image specification
- Downloading of workshop content
- Cluster security policy names
- Resorce quota memory limits
- Hostnames for proxied ingresses
- Session environment variables
- Restrictions on ingress hostnames
- No editor extensions by default
- Workshop instructions renderer
- Portal default workshop settings
- User interface style overrides
- Version 3.1.0
- Version 3.0.1
- Version 3.0.0
- Version 2.7.2
- Version 2.7.1
- Version 2.7.0
- Version 2.6.16
- Version 2.6.15
- Version 2.6.14
- Version 2.6.13
- Version 2.6.12
- Version 2.6.11
- Version 2.6.10
- Version 2.6.9
- Version 2.6.8
- Version 2.6.7
- Version 2.6.6
- Version 2.6.5
- Version 2.6.4
- Version 2.6.3
- Version 2.6.2
- Version 2.6.1
- Version 2.6.0
- Version 2.5.5
- Version 2.5.4
- Version 2.5.3
- Version 2.5.2
- Version 2.5.1
- Version 2.5.0
- Version 2.4.1
- Version 2.4.0
- Version 2.3.0
- Version 2.2.1
- Version 2.2.0
- Version 2.1.0
- Version 2.0.8
- Version 2.0.7
- Version 2.0.6
- Version 2.0.5
- Version 2.0.4
- Version 2.0.3
- Version 2.0.2
- Version 2.0.1
- Version 2.0.0