Educates is a system for hosting interactive workshop environments in Kubernetes (including OpenShift), or a local docker environment. It can be used for self paced or supervised workshops. It can also be useful where you need to package up demos of applications hosted in Kubernetes.
Project Details:
Getting Started:
Installation Guides:
- Cluster Requirements
- Installation Instructions
- CLI Based Installation
- Carvel Based Installation
- Infrastructure Providers
- Configuration Settings
- Defining configuration for ingress
- Defining cluster policy engine
- Defining workshop policy engine
- Overriding container runtime class
- Defining image registry pull secrets
- Defining storage class for volumes
- Defining storage group for volumes
- Restricting network access
- Overriding network packet size
- Image registry pull through cache
- Setting default access credentials
- Tracking using workshop events
- Tracking using Google Analytics
- Tracking using Microsoft Clarity
- Tracking using Amplitude
- Overriding styling of the workshop
- Allowing sites to embed workshops
- Overriding session cookie domain
Workshop Content:
- Workshop Configuration
- Workshop Instructions
- Annotation of executable commands
- Annotation of text to be copied
- Extensible clickable actions
- Clickable actions for the dashboard
- Clickable actions for the editor
- Clickable actions for file download
- Clickable actions for file upload
- Clickable actions for the examiner
- Clickable actions for sections
- Automatically triggering actions
- Overriding action cooldown period
- Hiding clickable actions from view
- Generating events for actions
- Overriding title and description
- Escaping of code block content
- Interpolation of data variables
- Adding custom data variables
- Passing of environment variables
- Handling of embedded URL links
- Conditional rendering of content
- Adding admonitions with shortcodes
- Embedding custom HTML content
- Triggering actions from Javascript
- Workshop Runtime
- Building an Image
- Working on Content
Production Guides:
- Review Guidelines
- Changes to the security policy
- Disabling Kubernetes access
- Workshop user admin access
- Workshop container memory
- Workshop container CPU
- Workshop container storage
- Namespace resource budget
- Kubernetes resource objects
- Workshop container startup
- Docker resource requirements
- Docker container image registry
- Hosting images on Docker Hub
Custom Resources:
- Workshop Definition
- Workshop title and description
- A note about use of data variables
- Downloading workshop content
- Hosting on an image repository
- Publishing of workshop content
- Hosting using a Git repository
- Hosting using a HTTP server
- Content download (deprecated)
- Container image for the workshop
- Adding extension packages
- Setting environment variables
- Overriding the memory available
- Mounting a persistent volume
- Mounting arbitrary volume types
- Resource budget for namespaces
- Creation of session resources
- Overriding default RBAC rules
- Blocking access to Kubernetes
- Running user containers as root
- Creating additional namespaces
- Shared workshop resources
- Shared assets repository
- Shared OCI image cache
- Injecting workshop secrets
- Passing parameters to a session
- Resource creation on allocation
- Defining additional ingress points
- Adding extra init containers
- Patching workshop deployment
- Workshop instructions layout
- External workshop instructions
- Static workshop instructions
- Disabling workshop instructions
- Enabling presentation slides
- Enabling the Kubernetes console
- Enabling the integrated editor
- Provisioning a virtual cluster
- Enabling the local Git server
- Enabling workshop downloads
- Enabling workshop uploads
- Enabling the test examiner
- Enabling session image registry
- Enabling ability to use docker
- Enabling remote SSH access
- Enabling WebDAV access to files
- Customizing the terminal layout
- Adding custom dashboard tabs
- Workshop Environment
- Workshop Request
- Workshop Session
- Training Portal
- Specifying the workshop definitions
- Limiting the number of sessions
- Capacity of individual workshops
- Set reserved workshop instances
- Override initial number of sessions
- Setting defaults for all workshops
- Additional labels for workshops
- Labels for the training portal
- Setting caps on individual users
- Expiring of workshop sessions
- Timeout for accessing workshops
- Updates to workshop environments
- Refreshing workshop environments
- Overriding the portal hostname
- Setting extra environment variables
- Overriding portal credentials
- Controlling registration type
- Specifying an event access code
- Making list of workshops public
- Using an external list of workshops
- Overriding portal title and logo
- Selecting the user interface theme
- Allowing the portal in an iframe
- Collecting analytics on workshops
- Tracking using Google Analytics
- Tracking using Microsoft Clarity
- Tracking using Amplitude
- Secret Copier
- Specifying the source secret
- Changing the target secret name
- Adding labels to the target secret
- Limiting set of target namespaces
- Kubernetes reserved namespaces
- Authorizing copying of a secret
- Multiple target namespace selectors
- Multiple rules for copying secrets
- Overlapping rules for target secret
- Deletion of the secret copier
- Tracking the source of a secret
- Secret Exporter
- Secret Importer
- Secret Injector
Portal REST API:
Workshop Migration:
- Learning Center
- Training platform deployment
- Kubernetes resource versions
- Workshop base image specification
- Downloading of workshop content
- Cluster security policy names
- Resorce quota memory limits
- Hostnames for proxied ingresses
- Session environment variables
- Restrictions on ingress hostnames
- No editor extensions by default
- Workshop instructions renderer
- Portal default workshop settings
- User interface style overrides
Release Notes:
- Version 3.1.0
- Version 3.0.1
- Version 3.0.0
- Version 2.7.2
- Version 2.7.1
- Version 2.7.0
- Version 2.6.16
- Version 2.6.15
- Version 2.6.14
- Version 2.6.13
- Version 2.6.12
- Version 2.6.11
- Version 2.6.10
- Version 2.6.9
- Version 2.6.8
- Version 2.6.7
- Version 2.6.6
- Version 2.6.5
- Version 2.6.4
- Version 2.6.3
- Version 2.6.2
- Version 2.6.1
- Version 2.6.0
- Version 2.5.5
- Version 2.5.4
- Version 2.5.3
- Version 2.5.2
- Version 2.5.1
- Version 2.5.0
- Version 2.4.1
- Version 2.4.0
- Version 2.3.0
- Version 2.2.1
- Version 2.2.0
- Version 2.1.0
- Version 2.0.8
- Version 2.0.7
- Version 2.0.6
- Version 2.0.5
- Version 2.0.4
- Version 2.0.3
- Version 2.0.2
- Version 2.0.1
- Version 2.0.0